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Why Weekly How To Study Videos?

  Some members have asked why I mention getting a how to study video on a weekly basis. The reason for this is because the course used to be on my membership site which involved every member being sent a video lesson every week.  I closed the membership site recently and now anyone who joins the course can watch all of the videos at once if they like and come back as many times as they want to and refresh their memory. Hope to have you on board the course soon and look forward to hearing from you here on the blog.


  Welcome to the How to Study MasterClass blog. I’ve been teaching this method of how to study for exams for around 20 years now and I know the incredible results that have been achieved by other students when they use this system of studying. I’m hoping for you to get the same results and when you do, I’d love you to come back to this blog and let everyone know about it.