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Please turn up your speakers and watch the video below for proof that the how to study system I teach in the course actually works…


Rob Seiler Hi… I’m Rob Seiler and I’m the creator of “How To Study MasterClass”.

If you’ve ever wanted to get A’s in your exams and keep getting frustrated because it just never seems to happen… then this course is for you. The “How To Study” course is designed specifically for high school, college and university students and will show you, step by step, exactly what you need to do (and why) if you want to be an ‘A’ student.

This course is nothing like you’ve ever seen before and simply by changing the way you think when you’re studying for exams, you’ll be able to send your exam results through the roof!



Free Study Lesson


If you’re a little unsure about joining the course, just watch one of the lessons in the course for free (click one of the buttons below to access the video). If you’re still unsure, just contact me with any questions you have about the course.



This is one of the lessons in the How To Study MasterClass course. It’s the final lesson in Module 1 of the course which deals with the strategy (or the “why”) of studying for exams using the method described in the course. Module 2 is all about the tactics (or the “how”) and shows you a six step process which allows you to combine all the theory from Module 1 into a unique and extremely effective study system. 

The cost for lifetime access to the course and future updates is USD$47 which is nothing compared to the cost of failing a year or not getting into the course you want. Just click the “Register Here” button below and you will have immediate access to the whole course…


Click here to register for the course


You’ll notice in this course, frequent reference is made to ‘How To Study Bootcamp’. The reason why is because this course was originally available as part of a membership only and videos were sent to members once a week until the course was completed. The course is now available in ‘How To Study MasterClass’ on demand.  


What You Will Learn…



24 amazing study skills which are rarely identified and absolutely essential to your exam success (how can you be good at something if you don’t even know the skills involved in the first place?)… exclusive to this course


A simple, logical, easy to understand, 6 step study system for you to achieve straight ‘A’s!


How you can study for your exams in the same way you learn to play your favorite sport!

tick How you can avoid nausea and anxiety before and during your exams! 

This study system will show you how to give answers to exam questions which will make the examiner think you knew what was going to be in the exam! 

tick How you can prepare for every possible question in your exam!
tick How you can learn by making mistakes!

5 easy ways in which we all learn naturally that are usually ignored and are essential for you to know!


How you can make the most effective and efficient use of your time so you’re free to enjoy your life


Learn what the ‘question / answer’ reflex is and how it can dramatically increase your success in exams? Knowing this alone will make a huge difference to your exam results… find out all about it exclusively in this course


How it’s possible for you to learn in exactly the same natural and instinctive ways in which we learn when we’re growing up


How you’ll be able to think like the person who prepares the exam questions

tick How you can avoid cramming before your exams
tick How you can avoid getting a mental blank in your exams

How you’ll be able to create your own system of ‘feedback’ which is essential in the learning process


This study system will show you how you can produce a reasonable and achievable revision timetable


How you can train yourself to think actively instead of passively so you can maintain concentration and remember more

tick How to study to a plan, and end up where you want to be
tick How you can maintain continuous concentration in a 3 hour exam

Why underlining notes and rewriting text books is a complete waste of your time

tick How you can condition yourself for your exam
tick How you’ll be able to become a ‘mental’ athlete

How you can identify what you know and what you don’t know so you don’t waste time and can concentrate on your weak spots


How you can convince yourself beyond any doubt whatsoever that you know everything necessary to get ‘A’s… no other study guide will explain how to do this


How you’ll be able to quickly dissect an exam question and analyse what’s required in the answer

tick How you can give ‘model’ answers in your exams

How you can produce an answer to exam questions that shows you’ve done extensive reading

tick How you should proportion your time in the exam for each question

17 words that you’ll find in exam questions that you absolutely must know the meaning of and which are crucial to your success in exams


How you’ll be able to approach your study material from many different perspectives


How you will know where to start, what to include and what to leave out of your exam answers

tick How you can participate actively in lectures

How you can connect with your memory as required by the exam question

tick How you can organise a structure for all your study material
tick How you’ll be able think in an organized way about a subject
tick How you can prepare your study material for ‘mental digestion
tick How you can increase your ‘mental reflexes




  As soon as you join How To Study MasterClass you’ll receive the following downloadable bonuses (worth over $200)

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